Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1740.06.07

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Index Entry Lyric, topical [beg] Near Philip's church without controul 
Location Charleston 
31 May-7 Jun 1740:22, 31 (328)
[1 lines in Latin]
Mr. Timothy, 
   As this world is a stage, and one man in his turn plays
many parts; and as Mr. T made no doubt but Mr. C's late
elaborate piece, . . . [4 lines, introduction to letter to
   Respected Friend, . . . [19 lines, criticising poem on
Whitefield in earlier paper.]  But I think it is a very
rhapsody of inconsistencies, huddled together in a confus'd
senceless stile, and no doubt sounds as bad in the ears of
impartial judges as the grating of a saw against a nail, or
the roaring of a bull to the musick of the most accomplish'd
musician; . . . [2 lines]
   Near Philip's church without controul, 
   Live's a badge of the sea when it does rowl;
   By Nature vile, and most morross
   Made up of all her coarsest dross; 
   . . . [30 more lines]

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1740.06.07 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1740 
Bibliography B0045923
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